One night on visitation, I met a 95-year-old lady named Margere who had never heard of the Gospel. Never heard of Jesus Loves Me. Never heard of John 3:16.
She was mean. The first Saturday I met her, she told me to get off her compound. The next week, the Holy Spirit led me to go back to visit her. I obeyed, went back several times and witnessed to her, but each time she refused to see her need of a Saviour. She finally accepted my invitation to take her to church. She loved church so much that she told me she would come with me every Sunday until she died.
She began asking questions about salvation, and just three months after I met her, she trusted in the Blood of Jesus to take her sins away.
Margere’s life changed for all of her family to see. When I first met her she was a mean 95-year-old lady who didn’t smile, or even want to talk to me. When she finally allowed Jesus to come into her life, she smiled, laughed and even talked to people nonstop. Her family began to tell me how I changed Margere’s life, and very quickly I told them how Jesus made all the difference in her life.
February 8th, 2015 was the last Sunday Margere came to church with me. On March 9th, 2015 she went home to Heaven and met Jesus face to face. The Lord gave me the opportunity to give the Friend Speech at her funeral. There were over 1,500 people there who had the chance to hear about Jesus and how He is the truest Friend.
Margere has a huge family, and God has allowed 4 of them to come to know Him as their personal Saviour. One of them, was her great-grandson, Thomas. Every Sunday, I would pick up Margere and many children from her village. Thomas came faithfully every week. He loved writing and singing songs, and he often shared his songs about Jesus with me. In October of 2014, he came to me and got assurance of his salvation. Just two months later, he was poisoned and died. This faithful young boy went to heaven, and now his seat is empty. Will you let God use your life to share His love with the Ugandan children? Will you allow your life to count for Jesus? So empty seats all around the world will be filled.